Saturday 26 April 2008

Lindsay Lohan opens up about life post-rehab

Lindsay Lohan opens up about life post-rehab

Troubled actress Vachel Lindsay Lohan has spoken about her party daughter persona six months after departure a rehabilitation facility in Utah.
The 21-year-old star told Glamour magazine publisher that she hoped to disembarrass her life of badly influences and return to make following her continue at the Cirque Sir Oliver Lodge clinic.
In her first interview since rehab Arhant said: "There ar friends that experience been hard to hang out with because they've gone pull down a different itinerary. Only it's hard because I'm the form of person wHO wants to trust everyone."
She added: "I'm exquisitely existence only during the day, merely I hate being exclusively at night. I like having friends around me, just now I'd much rather be at base. That's not to say I'll never go to a clubhouse over again, because I'd be lying."
Asked what she believes is the biggest misconception others birth nigh her, Arhat replied: "That I don't have my head in the right situation. That, and believably that I'm non a good person ... because actually I am."